Tag: Share Market

Autos and fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) lead market gains as the Sensex and Nifty both close near 19,450.

Autos and fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) lead market...

About 1892 shares rose, 1496 fell, and 117 were unchanged. The midcap and smallcap...

Yatharth Hospital & Trauma Care raises Rs 120 crore in a pre-IPO transaction.

Yatharth Hospital & Trauma Care raises Rs 120 crore in...

The Board approved the pre-IPO placement in collaboration with the Book Running...

Who are Retail Investors in an IPO

Who are Retail Investors in an IPO

A retail trader is someone who buys securities for their own account instead of...

What is LTP in the Share Market?

What is LTP in the Share Market?

LTP is a commodity whose price is set by stock traders, who are both buyers and...

What Is the Stock Market, and How Does It Work?

What Is the Stock Market, and How Does It Work?

The stock market is like a marketplace where investors trade in various financial...