What Is In The Money Call Option?
An In-the-money call option is described as a call option whose strike price is less than the spot price of the underlying assets.

An Overview
Options provide the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying security by the expiration date at the strike price. The strike price is the purchase price for a share. Investors who buy call options as part of a bullish strategy do so with the expectation that the underlying asset's price will rise, with the option's closing price coming in above the strike price, well in advance of the option's expiration date.
In-The-Money (ITM) refers to a specific financial state that can be achieved by exercising a stock option. At-The-Money (ATM) and Out-Of-The-Money (OTM) are the others. This classification aids traders and investors in determining which strikes are appropriate for trading under specific market conditions. The term "Intrinsic Value" is also essential here. Intrinsic value, as proposed by economic estimations, is a method for determining an object's value that is grounded in a standard monetary framework. When discussing options trading, the term "intrinsic value" refers to the value that lies between the current market price of an asset and the strike price of a similar option.
What is In The Money option?
For a call option to be in-the-money (ITM), its strike price must be below the current market price of the underlying securities. You can get the security at a discount from its current market price in this way. Expertise, knowledge, patience, and timing are required for this method of trading so that one can wait out the full duration of the option contract's expiry term without diminishing the option's extrinsic value by closing the deal prematurely.
In-The-The presence of financial resources does not guarantee success or gain. Stock options often come with additional premiums, as well as charges or brokerage fees associated with the underlying transaction. In order for an ITM call option to be profitable, the price of the underlying stock must rise beyond the option's purchase price, premium, and any associated costs. ITM options are typically more expensive than other types of options. This is because investors are expected to cover any predetermined gains from the option's underlying contract.
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Wrapping Up
Is it still unclear to you what a "in-the-money option" is? As a general rule, an option is considered to be In-The-Money if and only if its intrinsic coefficient is greater than 1. The possibility to sell shares at a profit, as in the case of an ITM call option, when the market price is higher than the set price is one of the benefits of trading ITM options.